Local Marketing

How local marketing automation empowers businesses

The future of connecting with local audiences is already here.

Joshua SaxonJune 14, 20246 min read
Quick Summary
  • Local marketing automation is an efficient and impactful way to connect with customers in your area.
  • Automating local marketing tasks streamlines workflows and can even boost conversion rates.
  • Semrush Local is the easy way to implement local marketing automation and target consumers effectively.

Local marketing automation is a powerful strategy to streamline routine tasks and improve efficiency. It allows businesses to focus on things that require the human touch without spending a fortune on outsourcing. But local marketing automation isn't just about simplifying digital tasks, it's transforming how businesses engage with customers. AI-driven tools personalize replies, analytics quickly reveal sentiment, and listing management safeguards your customer experience.

In fact, businesses are connecting with audiences more deeply than ever thanks to local marketing automation. And the tools required start from just a few dollars more than a standard Netflix subscription.

Understanding local marketing automation

Local marketing automation is the use of software to manage otherwise time-consuming tasks in your strategy. The tasks that local marketing automation can help with include:

  • Review management: Monitor and respond to online reviews to enhance customer engagement and improve rankings.
  • Scheduling and publishing: Program the release of marketing materials across social media, directories, and websites.
  • Targeted ad campaigns: Set parameters to create and launch marketing campaigns tailored to specific local demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Digital asset management: Publish and update business listings on multiple directories, scanning for accuracy and consistency.
Local marketing automation software that detects directory statuses

 Local marketing automation software that detects directory statuses

  • Customer segmentation: Divide customers into lists based on location, purchase history, and other relevant data.
  • Lead management: Automatically capture, score, and nurture leads based on their interaction with your business.
  • AI content creation: Generate high-quality content for blogs, landing pages, listings, or adverts based on insights and trends.
The landing page for Semrush’s Free AI Google Business Profile Description Generator

The landing page for Semrush’s Free AI Google Business Profile Description Generator

  • Email sequences: Send automated, personalized email messages based on customer actions or milestones.
  • Analytics and reporting: Leverage insights from campaign performance, behavior, and other key metrics to refine your strategy.

Ultimately, local marketing automation reduces the workload on marketers, allowing them to focus their attention elsewhere. This not only speeds up local marketing workflows and processes but also reduces human error, ensuring campaigns run smoothly.

Affordable automation: Semrush Local simplifies online listing and review management solutions, so you can be confident your marketing messages are consistent. 

The benefits of local marketing automation

Better efficiency

Increased efficiency allows marketing teams to focus more on strategy and less on repetitive work. Automation is particularly useful for busy small and medium businesses with little or no budget for a marketing team. It allows one-person marketers to wear many hats without burning out. For businesses with multiple locations, automation enables local marketers to manage several listings at once.

Improved conversion rates

Personalized marketing campaigns that use customer data to target specific needs and preferences significantly improve the likelihood of converting prospects into customers.

For example, “lawn care” is more popular at certain times of year, so you might write a script to optimize ad spend accordingly.

Google Trends for lawn care

Google Trends for lawn care

Automation ensures personalized messages reach the right people at the right time, maximizing their impact.

Consistent customer experiences

Local marketing automation enables brands to deliver consistent customer experiences across all touchpoints with fewer resources. Whether through personalized emails, online listings, or tailored ad campaigns, automation aligns your brand with minimal oversight.

The challenges of local marketing without automation

Before automation, local marketing depended heavily on manual processes. Traditionally, this meant distributing flyers, making calls, and placing local newspaper ads—activities that required human resources. These methods, while potentially effective, struggle to scale or react to market changes. With local marketing automation, businesses can move beyond these limitations. Instead of uploading posts every day, automation tools let you schedule across multiple channels at the optimal time.

Semrush’s Social Poster tool

Semrush’s Social Poster tool

Without local marketing automation, businesses are blind to the data required to adjust campaigns. For example, automation software can alter ad campaign parameters to capitalize on what's working without manual intervention. By contrast, marketers can’t edit print advertising once it hits the stands, and tracking is frustratingly limited. Automation enables hyper-personalized customer communication by leveraging data to draft content or suggest strategy. Traditional market research can tap into what customers want, but at an expense many small and medium businesses can’t endure.   

Hands-off approach: Semrush Local monitors citations, gathers data, and responds to customers so you can solve bigger problems.

How to implement local marketing automation: A step-by-step guide

When evaluating different local marketing automation options, first consider what features are most beneficial to your business:

  • User-friendliness: An intuitive interface that makes it easy for your team to manage.
  • Analytics: Essential for making quick adjustments based on real-time data.
  • Scalable: Your tool should be able to expand with you; if you add a new location, for example.
  • Support: A good tool offers clear documentation, customer support, and training programs to help you make the most of it.
  • Integration: The tool should easily connect with your existing marketing stack for seamless data flow and campaign management.
 Google Business Profile insights in Semrush

 Google Business Profile insights in Semrush

Once you have the tools you need, make a clear plan for launching your local marketing automation system:

  1. Setup and integration: Modern automation tools offer easy integration with other effective marketing tools.
  2. Train your team: Ensure everyone is well-trained in your automation tools to maximize the benefits.
  3. Small-scale testing: Run small test campaigns to see how the automation works and make necessary adjustments.
  4. Monitor and optimize: Track your automated campaigns and use the data to improve efficiency and effectiveness over time.
Check your<br /> local listings for free

Semrush Local: Your local marketing automation powerhouse

Managing local marketing workloads without automation tools can be challenging for local businesses. That's where Semrush Local comes in, providing clear solutions that guide marketers to a more streamlined operation.

Listings navigator

Semrush Local manages your business listings across multiple authoritative platforms, maintaining accuracy and consistency. This saves time compared with manual uploads and is more likely to benefit your local search campaigns. Google trusts companies with consistent NAP (name, address, phone number), so it pays to invest in its automated care.
Semrush’s Listing Management tool for local marketing automation

Reputation manager

Your online reputation directly influences your success in local marketing. Semrush Local helps you track reviews and feedback across multiple platforms without the frustrating spreadsheets. This paints a clear picture of your company’s image so you can make an effective plan to improve operations.
Review Analytics by Semrush Local

Local SEO analyst

Understanding the health of your local SEO is vital for staying ahead of the competition. Semrush Local’s Map Rank Tracker provides detailed diagnostics on your rankings, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. This allows businesses to refocus local marketing efforts to make the biggest impact.
Local search positions as seen in Map Rank Tracker

Workflow automation

Getting back to your customers is important both for customer engagement and local SEO. But if you don’t streamline your marketing workflows, you can end up wasting a lot of time battling with writers’ block. Semrush Local automates replying to Google Reviews with personal AI suggestions, allowing you to focus on strategic decisions.
An AI-driven review management tool
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